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Events - Housing Needs

Rother District Council maintain a housing list of people who have applied for housing in the Burwash area.  We believe that the level of Burwash households on this waiting list significantly underplays the true level of housing need in our community. To apply for housing you need to complete the on-line form and we know that isn't always easy.  We are holding two events in the Internet Café in the Bear carpark where you can come and register for housing on-line with our help.

There are two dates booked, the 24 February and the 17 March between 10am and 1pm.  We will be seeing people by appointment (in case everyone turns up at once) so please email or ring Mary Clarke on 07786422870 for an appointment.

Call for sites

Do you own or know of land that might be suitable for a development of housing that complements our Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB)?  We are looking for land within the Burwash Parish Boundary which might have potential for the type of housing that meets local need.  Click here for more information.

The Housing working group

The housing group is led by Steve Moore.  If you would like to give us you views on housing in the Burwash area or become a member of the working group, please email

The minutes of the meetings are available here:

(to follow)

Our documents

The Group is carrying out research and providing background documents to support the Neighbourhood Plan. 

Character Assessment - this is under review and will be available soon

Review of Rother District Council Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) - this is under review and will be available soon

Related documents

The following documents have helped to inform the work of the group.


Rother District Council have produced a Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment which considers land for potential development across the Rother District, including Burwash.  The document identifies specific sites within Burwash Parish that they have considered. To view the Rother website and the full SHLAA document, click here.

Rother District Council have also produced a Local Plan. Local Plans provide the basis for delivering the spatial planning strategy of the district and guide future development and change. Click here for the link to the Rother webpage and the full plan.

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